Cloud Storage Security | AWS

Securing Generative AI Models

Mitigating risks and protecting your business with GenAI Secure by Cloud Storage Security (CSS).

Cloud Storage Security | AWS

Securing Generative AI Models

Mitigating risks and protecting your business with GenAI Secure by Cloud Storage Security (CSS).

This eBook:


Explores GenAI model and data threats along with associated security challenges.


Discusses how GenAI Secure by CSS, built for and powered by AWS, is a powerful tool to secure AI data.


Uncovers use cases for various industries and how GenAI Secure protects downstream users.


Shows the scalable benefits your business will capture.

Get the eBook Now

An illustration of a laptop with a sheet of paper representing data over the screen, and an open lock in front of the paper.

Does your GenAI application create risk for your business?

You’ve been using data to train your generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) applications. Maybe you’ve purchased external training data to speed up model learning. It’s being leveraged to enhance customer and employee experiences. You’re experiencing positive results.

But questions remain as to whether there’s risk you don’t know about. Does your GenAI model data contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other sensitive data? Could your GenAI application offer that data as an output? What if the data used to train the model contained malicious payloads? Could the model be influenced by this malicious code and deliver false outputs? Are there other security considerations that might not be on your radar?